Requirements (Associates Degree)

Do I have to have a prior associates degree to start getting my private pilots license; and eventually getting my pilots license as a commercial or airline pilot?


No degree is required for flight training or the airlines. However, a 4yr degree is preferred by all Majors and having one will make you more competitive as most pilots hired at Majors have one.


I still like to do a 4 years degree… Is it possible to get my training done, while I am working on my degree part time after training?


As Adam mentioned, no degree is required for flight training, a degree could become a requirement if you’re applying for a position that requires one. Right now, the Majors are only preferring a 4-year degree, it could change in the future if airline hiring leveled out.



If you’re referring to doing training at a school like ATP and attend college, that is a no bueno. If you’re looking to just casually do college after you complete flight training, that’s on you. Whenever you get your degree is on you; if you want to do it before flight training (which is what we recommend) great, if you wait until after, you may or may not have the desire and not follow through… the choice is yours.

My recommendation would be is get the degree first, then attend a flight school like ATP, if your dream is to become an airline pilot. Flight training is a full-time commitment and any distractions or delays in training due to outside academics could hinder performance, proficiency and delay your progress.
