Starting Points

Hi! So I’m a 30-year-old Navy vet with some college experience and absolutely no flight training so far. Ever since I was 5, I’ve wanted to fly but just figured it was always going to be out of reach but here I am at 30 revisiting it and finding that I want to do it. My ultimate goal would be to fly big airliners, but I understand and am fine with the fact that I’ll have to start small. I guess my question is where to start? I’ve been trying to research, but there are so many licenses and programs that I’m getting a little bit confused. I’ve got a few emails out to some schools nearby to get more information, but if anyone here can share some advice on how they got started I’d really appreciate it. What should I be focusing on first and what should I try to start working towards now so that I’m prepared when I do get into a program?


Please take a look at the FAQ section. There you’ll find an overview of the process plus answers to many common questions and concerns.

Feel free to return after with more specific questions you might have.



I am 26 years old, and will be in the NAVY for another 6 months. During the past year I have been training for my Private pilots license which will allow me to fly passengers on a single engine aircraft for no compensation. My plan is to attend ATP flight school when I get out of the NAVY because I want to be an airline pilot. I want to be an airline pilot because I enjoy flying the aircraft I have flown, I enjoy the atmosphere in airports both large and small, and I believe that despite the hectic work schedule, and the time away from my family the work will be quite satisfying.

To answer your question, my starting point was taking an introductory flight at the local airport. It gave me about a half hour of flight time, and I loved it. As Adam said, your questions can be answered in the FAQ section as well. And I’m sure you’ll find in there the recommendation is to schedule an introductory flight with ATP to see if flying is something you really want to pursue. Regarding licenses and certifications, I would go to the ATP website and look at their Zero-time to ATP timeline. It references the various certifications you will acquire during your training at the school. Hope this helps point you in the right direction.

Happy Studying