Stipend for loan payments?

So apparently you have the option of adding onto ur loan, a living expense stipend of $777/month. My first question is does it have to be 777 or can I request less.. Also I have the option of a loan repayment plan of either interest or fixed.. Fixed would be 25/month while attending atp… Interest would be aprox 60$/month… So my other question is could I use some of the $777 stipend to make these monthly loan payments??

When I was in the program I got $900 a month as my living expenses. This is given to you in a check each month and you can use the money as you would like to.

Thanks Tucker, it’s just a bit confusing to me, why use more loan money to pay off loan money… If I get $800 and only use $300 can I just like send the rest back to them?


You can certainly request less of a stipend. Furthermore, you can use that money for anything that you want, it is paid directly to you.



You can always pay early on your loans.


Sounds good Chris thanks