Do you think it is a good idea to go to a 2 year community college and then transfer to a university and get a bachelor’s degree, and then go to ATP to become a commercial pilot?
Do you think it is a good idea to go to a 2 year community college and then transfer to a university and get a bachelor’s degree, and then go to ATP to become a commercial pilot?
I think that’s an excellent idea! First we always recommend finishing school first while you’re younger and more in that “school mode”.
As for community there are great schools out there that will save you a fortune while you bang out your core requirements. Def a smart move.
I support this plan, reason being is regardless of where you actually go to college, getting your general education credits and/or starting college at a community college is a fantastic start. The other benefit is that you don’t commit to a degree/major and then find out it’s not for you, you will have time to explore majors and see what you’d like to do. No sense in paying thousands for college credits for them to not count towards the major you end up liking.
High school > college > ATP is always my go-to recommendation plan.