Hi all,
I’ve been a bit frustrated that the program has been taking longer than I expected. Before ATP extended the length of the program, I was projected to finish about a month ago. I started in early January and got my commercial multi rating a couple weeks ago, but it took so long to achieve due to weather and examiner availability. I’m in Tampa where the weather has been perfect until about a month ago. Thunderstorms and MVFR conditions have caused so many training and checkride delays it isn’t even funny. I have my commercial single checkride scheduled for June 12, but it’s likely to get pushed further due to weather. I will be very frustrated if this checkride gets postponed for at least another week. At this rate if I stay in Florida for the remainder of the program, I probably wouldn’t finish until late August at best. All of these delays and complaining has me thinking if I should just transfer to Las Vegas for CFI school and complete my add-ons there since the weather is always sunny. Maybe I’m worrying too much, but I can’t help but think that every day I’m not flying (even in clear weather) it’s more time to wait to reach my career goals. Any thoughts?