135 vs 121

Hi Guys,

Question on the next step!
My MAIN GOAL is the Majors. I am coming up on 1000H and starting to apply to regionals. However, as we know the demand is slowing down for FO at the regionals.
So my question to you guys is…
If I land myself a job at a 135… Netjets, Flexjet, etc, does that affect me from getting a job at the majors down the line?? In other words are the majors looking for 121 time?? Does a pilot interviewing for a major have a better chance then a pilot who flew for a regional carrier rather than a pilot who was an FO at a 135?? etc, let me know what you guys think! Thanks


That depends on the 135 time. 121 Regional flying is airline flying and that’s pretty generic and the Majors like it. 135 could mean flying alot of different things. Could mean flying a G650 around the world but it could also mean flying a Cessna 402 between Boston and Cape Cod. If it’s quality 135 time (like NetJets, etc) you’ll be fine. If it’s throwing bags into the belly of a Caravan the Majors will want more.



I went to a 135 carrier during Covid when the regionals weren’t hiring. I think it was a great step forward to diversify my resume and start building turbine time but as soon as the regionals started hiring I resumed my plan going back to 121. From all the advice I had at the time, 135 time was noted but not at the same 1:1 view as 121 time was. For example, 3000 hours of 135 time would equal 1000 of 121 in the eyes of majors hiring.

121 flying is 121 flying. They know you’re a pilot that can operate in that environment already. 135 is just so diverse it’s more of a wild card for them to hire you. It can be done but might not be the most direct path.



Welcome back to the forum, congrats on the 1,000-hour milestone. I confidently can say that regionals will soon be hiring FO’s as many “covid FO’s” as I like to group myself in (those hired during the peak hiring) are looking at upgrading, and many will be moving onto legacies to fill vacancies. I’m not sure the hiring process at the majors, but I think if it’s quality P135 time, the majors would not have an issue. As Adam said, if you’re loading packages behind you in the Caravan and dropping them off 45 minutes later, I don’t think they would be as fond as it.

I would recommend you apply to cadet programs ASAP as you’re nearing the entry requirements as a FO, you could lock in a spot as a cadet quicker than new-hire FO as regionals are pulling from the pipelines currently.
