About Pilot Training

Hi Sir,
My dream is to be a pilot and right now I’m looking for pilot schools to go to I came across a few schools. I would like it if you can recommend some of the pilot schools.
My second question would be is it worth it to spend almost 100k$ right now in the pilot industry? I mean are there jobs for pilot in the industry in this field. I would really appreciate it if you can guide me a bit because I’m really interested to take this path but at the same time spending that amount of money if the industry is not growing right now. So if you can advice a bit


I of course am a big fan of ATP’s because I went there and had a great experience that helped me to get where I am today. I looked at many flight schools and found that ATP was the best fit for me. I liked the accelerated training and the flat rate pricing.
Now is a great time to get involved in the aviation industry. There are record numbers of retirements right now and the airlines can’t hire people fast enough. That pace of hiring is not expected to end any time soon.

As to whether it is worth the money or not, that is really up to you. I know that I would never be where I am today without spending the money and I certainly would not have the income level that I do now. Plus, I genuinely like my job and can’t imagine doing anything else.


Hello Jeevesh,

This is possibly the best time in history to get into commercial aviation. Salaries are the highest they’ve been in decades and for the Regionals they’re the highest ever. Whether it’s a good investment or not is entirely up to you? The industry is definitely growing and there are many opportunities but if that’s your only reason for pursuing it I’d caution you to think long and hard. Even though things are very good right not they can change and there are definitely easier ways to make a living.

As for flight schools there are many fine flight schools. Obviously I’m a fan of ATPs which is why I’m on this forum. There really isn’t any more efficient route to the airlines but I would encourage you to do some research. Feel free to ask any more specific questions you may have.


Hey Adam,
Thanks for your reply. Im a big fan of aviation industry simply not because of money my dream has always been to be a pilot not because it has a good income but because i want to fly high and im ready to put myself in to all the challenges for it. The only thing that i was thinking about is the time to enter the course if its the right time or not. Im sure no one can be 100% sure it depends on your hardwork too but just wanted suggestions on how it will be for pilots a rough patch or a good time.

Hey Chris,
Thanks for your reply. By money i meant if its the right time to invest in this because the knowledge i have that if im unemployment i still need to take my type rating every 6months so i wanted to know generally after how much time does a pilot get hired by airlines like after completing 1500 hours how much time does it take on an average.


Not really sure what you mean by taking your type rating every 6 mos as there is no such thing? Type ratings are for life. The only thing that pilots have that expire is their medicals which are good for a year.

As I said right now the environment is great and pilot’s are actually getting conditional employment offers prior to reaching 1500 hrs which they can exercise as soon as they reach the 1500 hrs. Again nothing is guaranteed.


Hey Adam,
I heard from someone that after completing your training you need to get yourself a type rating on boeing or airbus every 6 months i guess that was wrong then.
Anyways one more thing adam does having a degree give you some upper hand or every pilot is considered the same when they enter the field?


A college degree is not required for the regional airlines, so pretty much everybody is looked at the same on that level. For the major airlines a four year degree is required, even if it is not specifically stated by the airline.



As Chris said a degree is not required by the Regionals but is for the Majors. That said no, I would not say all pilots are viewed on a equal field. Most airlines have some type of point or rating system and a degree is definitely a point in your favor. While you shouldn’t have any problem getting hired by a Regional without one you would have a better chance getting the Regional of your choice with one.
