Airline Pilots Announcement

Hi there how are you? Question. as an airline pilot have you ever stuttered or got stuck in an announcment? was it embarrassing?


I am well thank you. Nothing particular comes to mind? I usually think about exactly what I’m going to say before I key the mic but I’m certain I’ve tripped up a few times. If there was any embarrassment it was brief. In fact I think I once said something to the flight attendants and they hadn’t even noticed.


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I have a few standard announcements that I use, just changing the variables such as flight time, weather, etc as necessary. I have tripped up here and there, but I don’t think most people notice.

Adam might have heard of the infamous book of announcements that Continental Express put out once to help people with PAs, although it was before our time. It was a bit much, but had its strong points. The Captain that wrote it put his name in all of the sample PAs, so when other pilots had him onboard, they would read his sample announcements verbatim, including his name. Just some inside airline humor for you.


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Yeah sure. On occasion. It happens to everyone. We’re human. I have found that most people don’t listen to the PAs anyway unless there’s something special being announced.


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