Any United Airline Pilots know which is the best hub to work from?

Just want to know. SFO looks great for travel to Southeast Asia. But their cost of living is expensive, $3k a month and that’s average. Plus, California’s State Tax is almost 12%.

ORD looks pretty good to me as a hub, since it’s United main hub and busiest overall. But Houston looks more appealing. No State Income Tax, largest hub, and one of the cheapest cost of living, at least where a major city is concerned.

What is the best hub?


There is no one “best hub”. They all offer their own advantages and disadvantages. Some people like one place while others prefer another. It all coms own to personal preference.


Actually I found out what it was, and it’s Chicago. :slight_smile:


“Best” is whatever is best for you. If there was a universal best then every pilot would want to be based there. The best base for me is the one closest to wherever my family is, as it is for most pilots.



There are a lot of pilots based in Newark, Washington DC, Cleveland, Houston, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Guam that would disagree with you. There is no one “best” hub.


yeah you are right. it really does depend. I would love San Francisco because more Southeast Asia flights and flights to the Philippines, but I could not take a 12% California State income tax. Combined with federal tax, that would be less than half of what I get paid. Not to mention the average rent there is $3.5k. I would love it just for the lifestyle, but money wise. No way man.

Yeah, I don’t have a family, but I am from the Philippines. I have good friends there. I own some rice farms and a residential lot next to a bay area in Olongapo City. They are pretty much my adopted family. I love being with them. But if I do plan on having a family, they will be in the Philippines for sure. I can not leave that country. So whatever lifestyle works best. I’m really sure the highest pay would definitely work out in this scenario.


Have you thought about this?


Yeah, I am not making money in the Philippines as an employee. The best way to really do that is to own apartments there. But even then it breaks the bank. Construction is expensive. It’s better to make my “peace” and have a “good” job in the USA.

There are more senior hubs for a number of reasons… weather, aircraft or trips from that hub, etc. but as many said not necessarily “best”.


Not sure why we’re still debating this? Brian says he found it and it’s ORD. Great place if you like snow and fat pizza.


He might have a point. I do like snow and Chicago style pizza is the only way to go. I often eat it while drinking Coke Zero and wearing my David Clark headsets.


Ommmmm (I’m going to my happy place), ommmmm (I will not respond to Chris’ antagonistic and ridiculous statement), ommmmmmmm…grrrrrrrrrrr!



Thanks Hannah

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Thanks everyone for their replies

No plan survives first contact with the enemy. While it’s always good to look ahead, thinking about which hub a major airline would assign you before completing your flight training is putting the cart way before the horse. A lot of things will change in the airline industry in the next 5-7 years, and some things may change in your personal life as well. I know that in my case, my view of my career, and what’s “best” has evolved substantially even in the last 3 years.