Hi all.
Just wanted to give an update on my training at ATP. I’m a full time college student and I’m in the ATP flex track program at Rocky Mountain Metro (BJC). Just a week ago I passed my private checkride! My examiner, Greg Newman, was an awesome guy. For those worrying about their first checkride - there’s almost nothing to worry about. He began by assuring me that I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t ready and tried his best to reduce any stress I was feeling. DPEs do not want to fail you as its a lot of work on their end and they only want to see you succeed. Checkride went super smooth, no areas of deficiency and it was completely routine. Oral was about 30 minutes and the flight only took about an hour and a bit. Your experience may vary obviously. Also, I was accepted into the Skywest Cadet program and I have an interview with Envoy tomorrow!
As for my overall experience in the program - I’m super happy with how it has been going. My instructor (shoutout to Van!) is an awesome guy and has helped me a ton and is thankfully continuing as my instructor as I start instrument. All of the wonderful people at the training center have also been very helpful. We started doing group grounds in the evening and touching on important topics for whatever phase we’re focusing on. Everyone there wants you to succeed and all the instructors are more than happy to help you out when your instructor isn’t around. Overall, I’m very happy with how the program is going. Unfortunately, ATP is no longer offering the Flex Track program as an option but I still stand by ATP as an excellent school. The one thing I would say about training at ATP is don’t come here unless you are 100% set on becoming an airline pilot. The training is intense and completely focused around airline style training to prepare. If you are unsure about becoming an airline pilot, go and get your PPL somewhere else prior to committing to ATP.
If anyone has any questions about my personal experience with ATP, please reach out - my DMs are always open and I’m more than happy to help!