Background check questions

Hi my name is Demetreous Shaw

4 years at 18 I started a fire to abandon building. I know it I was wrong and I’ll always admit it. I did it and I can’t change it but I’ve moved so much further and have become better. I got attempted Arson Misdemeanor 2 which is the second lowest misdemeanor.

So if anyone knows how would this affect my chances of becoming a pilot?


The airlines don’t like criminal behavior but in my experience a single misdemeanor won’t tank your career. If this is all that’s on your record AND you do well in training you should be fine. If it isn’t, or there at other issues that emerge you won’t.



Arson… I hope you don’t have a veteran firefighter (or EMS/military/police provider) on an interview panel because I don’t foresee that going well. I would recommend reaching out to a recruiter directly and inquiring what they think of the scenario, run a few options by them. Scenario A: You have a perfect training record, do well, build a good portfolio, Scenario B: You fail a checkride here or there (no more than 2), and it takes you a few years to build your time because you don’t instruct (which is the common route).


Thank you sir and when you say a recruiter like airline recruiter? Or program recruiter? And if airline recruiters where could I find numbers for them if you know sir

He means Regional airline recruiters. You get find their contact information on the various Regional airline sites.


Any airline recruiter, it doesn’t have to specifically be a regional, I would do multiple airlines, both regional and majors. Unless you plan to be a lifetime regional airline pilot…



I’m guessing that means you’re 22 now. Have you completed college and received a bachelors degree? With your criminal history the best thing you can do is outweigh with a lot of positive achievements. That means, a bachelors degree, a pristine flight training record, quality time building and some GREAT letters of recommendation. With that, you might have a shot.


Almost 22 and no I have not. And true more positive bs negative is always good