Hi there! New member here. I’m 36 years old, doing IT for the DoD currently, but my degree is in Aerospace Engineering. I am getting tired of the cubicle life, and I’m thinking of changing careers to become an airline pilot. I’ve heard that China is hard up and is offering fat paychecks for people who don’t mind moving. I want to see the world, but due to some sensitivities surrounding my job, they frown on going to certain countries. I love traveling and flying, even super long distance, and with the exception of figuring out what to do with my 6 year old son who I share custody of, I think I would like the airline pilot lifestyle.
I already have my PPL with around 200 hours total and over 100 hours cross country and own a Cessna 150. I don’t have the money/time to go to a place like ATP, so I’m going to do my training locally and pick up jobs as I come across them. My question is, since the airlines are my goal, what type of IFR training should I take? My local FBO has some 172’s with older King avionics stacks and steam gauges, but there is a flight training outfit ~1.5 hours away (by car) that not only has a Redbird sim, but they also have a 172 with G1000 glass panels. Would the G1000 benefit me in any way, or should I stick to training locally? I’ve considered adding an IFR GPS to my plane, but it’s an older 150 without the standard 6-pack layout, and frankly I don’t think the investment would be worthwhile.
Since I need to keep working my current job for now, I am expecting a 3-4 year window before I have enough time to apply to the regionals. I’m also not sure what to do about multi-engine time, but there’s plenty of time to stress out about that! I have the FAA Instrument Flying Handbook on order and plan to start training in the next couple of weeks once I do more research and check out a few places. This seems like a great place for advice!