Blind in one eye

Hello, hope all is well. Looking to get my private pilot license but I cannot see out of one eye. Is it still possible to get my license? If so any challenges I should be aware of? Google says I can but I would need to get a medical certification. How do I get that? Thank you for looking into this for me.


You need to find an AME (Aviation Medical Examiner) in your area and they can take you through the process (a quick Google search should work). You’ll want to schedule a consultation because if you just schedule an exam you won’t pass.


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None of us are doctors and thus we cannot answer your question. I can tell you that I have met a United pilot that had one eye completely missing. I am sure he had several hoops to go through, but it apparently happened for him. I would speak with an AME. Do keep this in mind though, let’s say you are able to get approved, if anything happens to the good eye, you will be out of a job.


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Thank you for telling me that. As long as it’s possible that’s what matters. I will get in contact with AME see what they say. I have primary job and this is more of a hobby and possibly a source of secondary income if all goes well. Thank you again.

That’s wild!