CFI program

Hey just wondering if any of you guys who flight instructed for ATP have any experience with the housing they provide at an extra cost.


I stayed in ATPs housing in HEF (closed), ATL and JAX and all were pretty nice. ATP seems to look for similar style garden apt type developments. Generally 2 bedroom apts with a large “common area” (living/dining room). Many have gyms and most seem to be convenient to stores and of course the airport. I was comfy in all of them.


That’s great! So i would be able to stay while training in the program and while flight instructing for them?

If you so desire sure.


Are the apartments shared dorm style while a CFI like they are when you’re a student, or do you get them to yourself?

All the rooms are double occupancy. Students an instructors come and go.
Sometimes every bed is occupied. Sometimes none are.



They are shared for both CFIs and students.


Good to know. Thanks for the info. :slight_smile: