Cross-Country Flights

Hello everyone,
I was just curious, In the crew cross-country phase of the training are the flights done with your instructor or a fellow student at the same phase? thanks.


During the cross country phase you are paired with another student. The cross countries were the most enjoyable part of the program for me, it almost felt like I was working for a mini airline.


Thanks Chris,
That’s what I thought the case was, however is it possible to be paired with a student from another school if there isn’t someone there at your phase, if I’m at ISP could I possibly travel to another location for this portion of the training, It does sound awesome. Thanks


That’s exactly what happened to me. When I started they’re was no one at the same point in training as I was so I was actually paired with a few different pilots to build time. Honestly 2 I lIked, 2 I didn’t. While this may give you pause it was a great introduction to what the job entails. Everyday day you fly for an airline you’ll be paired with different pilots. Some will be awesome, others less than but that doesn’t matter. You have a job to do and you ALWAYS do it to the best of your abilities. Even if your Capt is a jerk :slight_smile:


Thanks Adam,
Very good point, and makes sense, I tend to get along with most people, I’m pretty easy going, that said some people are just the way they are,so be it, focus on what your doing, and do it the best you possibly can, even if someone is kind of jerk they may be a very good pilot, I always listen, doesn’t mean we have to be best friends, thanks for the input as always.

It’s worse when they’re a jerk AND not a very good pilot. You’ll also fly with some really nice people that aren’t that great. Trust me Kris after a very short time you’ll see it all. I, like you, am very affable but sometimes you just don’t gel. As you said, focus on the task at hand and unlike virtually every other job where you’re stuck with the same boss and co-workers FOREVER, there are very few people I can’t put up with for a few days.



Is there a way to get out of a trip or flight if you and the other pilot are not getting along? I know the airlines are all about CRM but if it got to a level in which you no longer felt it would be safe flying with said pilot is there a safety net? I don’t imagine this would ever be a problem between two professionals but it does seem like somthing that could happen?


First off you’re right. There’s no good reason 2 professional adults should ever not be able to simply do their jobs, but sadly it does happen. That said at many airlines you can actually “no fly” another pilot who you’ve had a bad experience with (Interesting side note, here at Hawaiian only FOs can no fly Capts, not the reverse. The thought is if you’ve obtained the rank that’s part of your professionalism). But yes absolutely, if things ever got to the point where safety is compromised then you could absolutely ask to be removed from a trip. After you should expect to have a conversation with the Chief Pilot which is why many pilots will simply call in sick. There’s kind of an unwritten law to not have conversations about politics, religion, race or sexual orientation. The thought is if you avoid those topics everything should be ok?


It seems like life in general is just easier if you avoid those topics :joy:

For the most part yes but in reality if we treat everyone with dignity and respect we should be able to have intelligent conversations about just about anything. Not to belabor this topic but one thing that never stops amazing me is the ignorance that exists. If you meet me I look like your average card-carry white guy (which I am and that’s fine) but within minutes of the cockpit door closing people have made assumptions about my beliefs and relationships. You don’t who I’m married to, what my kids or parents look like or who my friends are but the stupidity and ignorance just starts to flow. What’s awesome is the look on their faces when I stop them and ask what their future plans are after we land and I call HR and END their careers FOREVER. Honestly I don’t believe in ratting people out and generally after prolonged extended and profuse apologies, promises and begging I feel my point’s been made but the fact is you never know? We spend much time discussing the expense, time and sacrifice we all invest in this career, wouldn’t it be sad to blow it all (and trust me it has happened) because of a single offensive comment? Just some food for thought.


I get exactly what you are saying. You can have reasonable and respectful conversations about each of the topics mentioned but some people don’t seem to be able to. You tell them one thing and all of a sudden they think they know everything about you and make generalizations. I will definitely take your advice seriously and ensure to not partake in that and to try and avoid others that do as much as possible. It seems like a silly thing to do as a professional let alone as a grown adult.