I just did a flight with a Capt who’s son will be starting at ATP this summer (he actually asked me “hey you’re that guy from the ATP forum right?” which was a first). Anyway we were chatting away about ATP when he asked something I though was odd? He asked how much was the X-country phase of flying going to cost above the training program? I asked what he meant and he said “well you’re not receiving instruction so I assume you’ve got to pay EXTRA for the use of the aircraft while building the time”. When I explained it was ALL INCLUDED he was amazed (not to mention VERY happy). I thought perhaps he’s not the only person with that question or misunderstanding so I figured I’d convey the story. I never really thought of it but yes, at any other school if you want/need to just go fly they will charge you for using the plane. Kinda cool ATP doesn’t