CS or BA?


I recently graduated with my Associate’s degree, and in January I’ll have a scholarship for 5 years of undergraduate study valid for about 8 years. However, I’ve found an in state college that offers completer degrees for students whom have already completed the basics necessary to finish a degree in computer science or business administration. I will have met all the requirements come January, and it’s only 60 credit hours or less needed in order to complete graduation. However, my question as it relates to the airline industry is, will a B.S. in computer science or business administration be more beneficial for a career in the airlines? I’ve considered computer science from the technical aspect that it may indeed have more valuable workplace skills, and that business administration is much more formal for many entry-level corporate students, and it also has a 12 credit hour accountancy add on option at the end of it. It seems like so many things lead to me choosing to attempt a degree in computer science, but business administration is equally of value. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


I have a business administration degree, I can’t say that it really relates much to flying. I think that either degree will be perfectly fine for the airlines. I know pilots that have degrees in everything from European history to music composition. The airlines just want to see that you can be committed to something for four years and complete it. Study whichever you prefer. Either way, I would skip the extra counting classes.


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Both, either or neither, it’s all good. The Majors want a 4yr degree but don’t care at all as to the field of study. Choose the degree that interests you or you think you may enjoy as a backup should aviation not pan out.



Where did you hear that airlines prefer a specific type of degree? They don’t. In fact, regional airlines don’t require one at all. Most majors don’t either, but most pilots have one. So, you’ll want to get one to be competitive. What you choose to major in is entirely up to you. Pick something you think you are more likely to use to fall back on. I also recommend spending some time reading the articles that we’ve written in the FAQ section.


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Thank you all! It is more or less just a quicker way for me to graduate. I’m not singling out any one particular degree! The knowledge you guys are putting into this is surely A gratifying experience for students of any craft.