Discovery flight scheduled!

Hi all!

Just another update on my progress — got my First Class medical two weeks ago and now taking the discovery flight at IND this Saturday! I’m pretty eager for it. Do any of you have any suggestions on things to ask or what to expect?

I also purchased the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. My dad recommended it, so I’ve been reading about a chapter or half of one every other day when I get home from work.

Haven’t scheduled a start date yet, obviously. Have to figure out some logistical things at my employer first and a time that makes most sense.



Nice progress. My standard brief for the Intro Flight is to remember that’s what it is, an INTRO flight. It’s simply an introduction for you to see where you’ll be spending some quality time training, for you to meet ATP and them to meet you. What it’s not is a job interview, a test, and absolutely not a bar set to determine whether or not you’ll have a career in aviation! People put far too much weight on this flight. They get anxious and nervous and try wayyyy too hard to impress the instructor. None of which is conducive to a positive experience. The best thing you can do is go on their with a great attitude. Relax, keep your expectations low and listen and follow the instructions given. Do that and you’ll have a great experience.

Flying is fun, remember that and let us know how it goes.


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Happy to hear things are coming together for you, Mat!

Don’t overthink the intro flight. The best advice I have is to be a sponge, ask questions, and enjoy the experience.



My suggestions for the discovery flights are just to enjoy them. Do not put pressure on yourself to perform to a certain standard, or expect yourself to takeoff, land, etc. It is simply a flight to see how you like flying small airplanes. If it was a check ride, we wouldn’t have flight schools :slight_smile:

I find the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge to be very difficult to wade through. I much prefer the Jeppesen Private Pilot Manual, you can pick up an inexpensive one on eBay.

Please let us know how the flight goes and what your thoughts are afterwards.



Great news! I always love seeing when individuals acquire a First Class medical as it helps prevent any delays with your training and gets the ball rolling right away. Enjoy your introductory flight, relax, look outside and take in the beautiful picture. Keep us posted how it goes, welcome to the beautiful sky friend.

To be known if ATP is the ultimate decision of yours that during your deposit to ATP you will received all future materials for studying (except Sheppard Air which is test prep for writtens after the private).


Hey all!

So I had my discovery flight rescheduled to this coming Saturday (11/6). Indy had a bunch of rain and weather all last week.

Ah bummer, well hey hopefully the weather cooperates better for you this time! Keep us updated with how it goes!


Welcome to aviation, the weather so often rules the day. The ks for the update and please check back in after the flight.


Hey everyone!

Had my discovery flight today at the Indianapolis school and LOVED it. I was a little nervous since it was the first time I’ve ever sat in a plane with the yoke and all the controls right in front of me, but once we got up in the air I didn’t feel so nervous anymore. Can’t describe the feeling when the instructor allowed me to take the controls, but it was surreal knowing the plane was moving because I was telling it to.


I’m so sorry Mat but that’s it, you’ve been bit by the flying bug and there is no cure. Best you can do is keep doing it forever! :wink:

All kidding aside I’m very happy it went well. So, what’s next?


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Glad it went so well, Mat!

Any updates with where you stand with your employer? Or are you still trying to figure that out?


Adam and Tory,

So basically now I’m figuring out logistical things that allows me to put in notice at my employer. Since the holidays are coming up, I’m looking at starting soon after the new year. That’ll also give me some time to study some of the written exams as I would at least like to have the PAR finished before starting. Maybe the IRA as well.

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Sounds like a plan, keep us posted.


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Well when you do get around to it: Get Ahead By Taking FAA Knowledge Tests Before Starting ATP / ATP Flight School

Hope that helps.


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I am glad you enjoyed the discovery flight. Thank you for letting us know how it went. Please update us when you secure a class date, or feel free to drop in with any questions.


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Sounds like it was worth the wait! So glad to hear you loved it… we all have been in your shoes. It’s an exciting day and one you won’t forget. It’s the start of a new beginning! Great job planning ahead to get those writtens done before you start. You’re on the right track. Also work on getting your first class medical (if you haven’t already) and secure your financing. You’ll need to complete all these tasks to secure a class date. Keep us updated!

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