Into flight!

Today i have scheduled my intro flight for the end of this month and I’m excited!! Just thought I should share. lol Any tips on what to expect? I’ve already taken the into flight quiz…

That is great that you have already taken the quiz. Just relax and remember that you will in no way be expected to fly like an expert. An introductory flight is exactly that, it is just to help you decided if you want to fly for a living.

Make sure to ask lots of questions to the instructor about the program and his/her experience in it.

Please follow up and let us know what you think. Have fun!



If you took the quiz and watched the videos on the website you should have a good idea. As Chris said, relax and enjoy the flight and the moment. Too many people show up with expectations or stress if they’re doing it right, or if this can/will be their future rather then listen, learn and enjoy. The skills you’ll learn, it’s not a test, that’s not the reason you’re there.


So all I just completed the intro flight at the Oakland location! From the staff to the students to the actual flight it was awesome!!! Nothing else to say! I’m already addicted!!! Can’t wait to knock financing and and medical out the door! It was so fun I kind of want to do it again! But just thought I’ll share my experience. Once I’m in the program I plan to post actively to share my experiences.


Congrats and glad to hear you had a very positive experience. Now you know :slight_smile:

Keep us posted on your progress.



I am glad that you had a good time on the intro flight and were pleased with everything you saw. Keep us up to date as you go through the application process, we are always here to answer any questions.
