Hey, everyone. I’m a 29 year old female and I’ve been considering getting my pilot’s license for roughly a decade now. I’ve got two bachelor’s degrees - one in Criminal Justice and one in Music Business (don’t ask). I’ve had a clean record since I was 17, aside from a couple of parking tickets and a couple of speeding tickets that are now several years old. I have since recognized the error of my ways in speeding, though I’m not sure whether or not these tickets will hinder me nearly as much as the following:
I was a really awful teenager. I was angry, unable to handle my emotions, entirely unwilling to listen to my parents, and absolutely negligent.
My juvenile charges are as follows:
Assault 4, Assault 4 DV, and minor in possession of marijuana less than 20 grams. I also stole from a JC Penney but it didn’t end up in a criminal conviction.
I wish I could go back and just do it all over again. I have since worked hard towards taking accountability for my past actions and making retribution for my mistakes. There’s nothing I can do about the fact that I did those things, and the consequences fall on no one but me.
I’m hoping someone here can tell me if I have any chance at becoming a pilot with this juvenile record. It was never sealed or expunged. I have the ability to do so, but I’m really not sure it will make much of a difference because, in order to answer questions about disclosure honestly, I would have to lay it all out in the open.
Thanks for any advice or answers.