Envoy May 2023 Schedule - Roscoe

Hey everyone, May was my first full month as a reserve FO for Envoy. As I’m near the bottom of the reserve list for DFW FO’s, I was given a lot of airport standby (ready reserve), but luckily I was called for flying almost every day. Lots of fun flying and some cool destinations (and lots of deadheads!). Highlights of the month included my longest flight so far to Santa Rosa California (4 hours each way), flights between Hilton Head and Charlotte, an overnight in Cincinnati, and my first international flight to Torreón Mexico! During my long overnight in Cincinnati, I was able to visit the ATP location that I instructed at and speak to some of my former co-instructors and students. I would have paid a good amount to just get a couple of laps in the pattern again! I also had a five day period off in the middle of the month, so I was able to non-rev travel to England to briefly see my family. Here was my May schedule.

Total flight time: 44.45 hours
Credit time (minimum reserve): 75 hours

1 - DFW-AUS-MSY-AUS (Deadhead back to DFW)
2 - DFW-SGF (Deadhead back to DFW)
3 - RSV (Airport standby, not called)
4 - MAF-DFW (Deadhead to MAF)
6 - OFF
7 - OFF
8 - OFF
9 - DFW base Indoc
10 - AUS-OKC (Deadhead to AUS)
11 - Deadhead from OKC to DFW
12 - RSV (Airport standby, not called)
13 - OFF
14 - OFF
16 - DFW-BMI
17 - BMI-DFW
18 - OFF (travel to LHR)
19 - OFF
20 - OFF
21 - OFF
22 - OFF (return from LHR)
25 - BHM-MIA
26 - Deadhead from MIA to DFW
28 - OFF
29 - OFF
30 - DFW-GJT (Deadhead back to DFW)
31 - CLL-DFW-GNV (Deadhead to CLL)




Seems like you’re getting some good flying in on reserve, enjoy that and soak up as much time as you can. Sooner rather than later you’ll be back in training for captain upgrade, sitting left seat!


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Thank you for posting your schedule. Looks pretty decent to me.


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