Flight school or flight university?

*I’m interested in becoming a pilot and currently have zero hours and have a 1st class medical scheduled. I am researching places that offer a discovery flight to get that experience first. I graduated this year with a bachelor’s degree unrelated to aviation and am unsure of what path to being a pilot to take. Get the PPL at a local school then go to ATP, go to ATP, do all certifications at a local school, or go to a university with an associates program for piloting so that I can get financial aid? Money is definitely an issue so ATP and all the loans they have would be a lot more expensive than a local school so any advice would be great.


Obviously your choice is yours but here are a few thoughts.

First off you don’t mention any flight experience? If you’ve never flown in a small plane I HIGHLY recommend you you take an intro or discovery flight before you do ANYTHING else. Many people believe they want to fly but until you do your really won’t know and unlike most professions there’s a physical aspect to flying. Chances are you’ll enjoy it but you might not. Until you go up you really won’t know.

ATPs program is designed to take you from zero time to professional pilot. The only reason I would recommend getting your PPL first is if you’re not 100% certain you’re ready to commit 100%. If that’s the case taking a few lessons (or even getting your PPL first) is a great way to make certain. If however you are, there’s no reason to start your training elsewhere.

As for a degree, you already have one and don’t need another (the airlines desire degrees but don’t care the field of study). While I appreciate your desire to get financial aid, the additional year required for training will cost you far more in potential income and seniority benefits in the long run.


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