Flying Standby on United Specifically

I guess this question is mainly for Chris because he is the only one to fly for United. I was wondering if you could explain who would fall into the SA0, SA1, SA2, … categories for flying standby. When my dad used to work for Continental way back when my family and I were able to fly as SA1 standbys. When United and Continental merged, he took the early retirement package or something like that and we are now SA5 standbys. I am just curious who is in each group.

Also I’d be interested in hearing how Hawaiian or other airlines do their standby process as well! Thanks guys!


Hawaiian (I believe) is similar to most airlines and the boarding priority is based on seniority. ALL work groups have the same ranking. The only thing we do (that I don’t agree with) is employee families have the same priority as the employee. What that means is if I’m trying to get somewhere and some other employee’s kid is on the same flight and they’re senior to me, they get the seat first. Most airlines I’m aware of only give the family the same priority IF they’re traveling with the employee. After that it’s retirees, then “inner circle” passes (we’re allowed 8 people in our inner circle which is a higher priority buddy pass), then regular buddy passes.



The rules have changed since your father retired. You will need to reach out to the pass travel office for specific information about United Pass classes, but generally speaking, active employees have first priority, followed by their families, then retired employees.


@Chris, are you Captain or FO?
