Hawaiin Airlines

Hi Adam,

I hope you’re doing well today. First time commenting here but I’ve been reading your posts since I began contemplating ATP years ago. I’m very interested in Hawaiian airlines and am determined to get there. I submitted my application last week. I’m currently a captain at an AA wholly owned with about 2700 TT. I’m about 2 years to flow but I don’t think that is my goal.

A little about myself. 1 check ride bust (ppl) and one 121 washout at OO (2 maneuvers away from being signed off for MV). No other issues in the 121 world with initial, recurrent or upgrade. No accidents or anything else aside from the 2 failures I just mentioned and I own these 100%. On paper would you say I am in the ballpark to get an interview based on current hiring trends you’ve witnessed lately? Are there certain things that make your application stand out to Hawaiian? Do most pilots live on Oahu (I think we might like the pace better on Kauai or the big island but I wonder how difficult it is commuting inter island).




Getting hired at Hawaiian can be tricky sometime. Training pilots is expensive and they can be somewhat wary of people from the mainland using Hawaiian at a stepping stone (a little less now that we’re opening a CVG base). I cannot say for certain and I know we don’t like training failures but if you’re upfront about it I think you’ll be ok. The biggest thing really is the interview panel. You need to convey (convince?) them that this is really where you want to be and why. Our guys are pretty good at reading BS so if you don’t they’ll probably smell it on you.

Best advice is if/when you get an invite be yourself, be honest and tell them why Hawaiian vs AA who you’ve been groomed for? If this is where you really want to be you should be fine.

Oh, and make sure you start to spell Hawaiian correctly! :wink:


Haha thanks for the advice!


Ok I think I’ve got it now :laughing: