Do you guys recommend taking any high school classes that’ll benefit me in the aviation career? Or would that matter more in college.
It really doesn’t matter in college or in high school. Just do well in your studies, get a degree and then go to flight school.
Ok. Thanks
I agree with what Chris said. It doesn’t matter what classes you take. But
if your high school has a running start program I would take advantage of
I would like to say that my highschool actually offered an Aviation Ground School course, which I will taking my second semester, they say if you prepare and do well, they allow you take the private pilot written exam. Should a be pretty good experience
That does sound cool and should be interesting.
I wish my school did
While I’m sure you’d enjoy the class, trust me the vast majority of us had no such class and did just fine.
Oh ok. Thanks : )
One thing I would advise you to do in high school is to take advantage of any AP credit and take the exams and pass them. While it might not help your actual aviation career directly it will allow you to take less courses in college, save money and finish college faster. I am currently finishing my degree up in 3 years rather than the expected 4 because I took advantage of AP exams and classes. Try to at least take 4-5 I only took 3 and it gave me enough credit to forego 4 basic classes at my university which is basically one semester. After that I just took advantage of summer semesters and the such to hurry my degree up. Good luck!
Do the AP classes give you credit for college??
Yes, depending on the university in question.
Yes they do. Every University has a list of the AP class and what college courses you can get credit for depending on how many points you got for the AP exam. For example if I got a 5 on my AP US History exam my university allows it to count for 2 history courses HIST 2610 AND 2620. That one test saved me about $1800 ($800 in textbooks, $800 class fees, $200 tutoring lab programs)
Take advantage of AP tests if you can get a 4 or 5 you can get credit for 2 classes.
A 5 on APUSH!?!? Good job sir!