High School

Hey pilots,
So I have been reading a lot on this website for a while and I know you guys recommend that people going into high school to try as hard as they can.
So my school offers pathways there is engineering, bio med, or business. There isn’t one for aviation so which one would you recommend and do you also recommend that you take classes during the summer and study as hard as you can or there isn’t need to take classes during the summer.
Also what classes do you recommend that I take in high school.
Thank you in advance and all feedback is appreciated.


Pick the one that interests you the most or you may want as a backup or secondary career. Not sure why you’d want to take summer classes? The idea is to do well in High School to get into a good college and have a solid foundation for the rest of your life. The flight training will come later.


Thx for the fast reply
The summer classes are so that I can take so and honor classes during the school year I have a schedule already created if I wanted to go into bio med but I’m not sure what classes you need in high school to become a pilot. Also do you recommend going to a university or go into an el Camino college.
Lastly the only thing stopping me from becoming a surgeon is that surgeons work a lot and barely get any time off while pilots get around 14 days to stay at home in month and the pay is pretty similar if You make it into a major. I know it’s not guaranteed but nothing is really guaranteed in life.

I meant to say AP instead of so


These are adult decisions that only you can make. It depends on your goals and budget. Community college saved me a lot of money. I transferred to a state school and ended up majoring in Communication Studies. If your aspirations are to major in something more specific and you plan on using it, perhaps a more prestigious university will be worth it in the long run…?? Since you want to be a pilot and the major airlines don’t care what your degree is in, I would save as much money as you can and put your savings towards flight school.


Thanks for the response Tory and how much do loans end up being if you go through the atp program and do intro flight cost money can I take one if I’m 14

The answers to your questions about cost can be found at www.atpflightschool.com.


Tory you’re one of the youngest pilots on this website. I was wondering if you think I should take one of the pathways and do you recommend that I take classes during the summer. Also what GPA did you have at the end of high school.
Thanks for replying it means a lot


We’re getting too far away from the purpose of this forum. I don’t see how knowing what my GPA was is useful information. I think your school’s career counselor would be a better fit to discuss your education opportunities.



It really doesn’t matter what you study in high school. Just do well and get good grades and you will be fine.



To be clear, there is a lot more stopping you from being a surgeon than just the schedule. There is medical school, residency, time spent specializing. You have a long road to go down before you will be a surgeon, just like you do before you can become a professional pilot.

Pilots do have a fair number of days off and good pay, but I would not let that be the reason that you chose a certain career. You need to do what you enjoy doing, the rest will fall into place.
