How To Become A Commercial Pilot After High School

Remember that flying for a regional is hard work, it involves long days and short nights. While it sounds easy to say you will get a degree while working, it can be very taxing and sometimes hard to do.


Hello everybody!

I just have couple quick questions about starting professional pilot training right after the high school. I just graduated from high school in the past June. Even though I am planning on going to a 4-yr college in Colorado in the coming fall; but l still want to take flight training over the weekends. l am willing to work hard. Do l really need a 4-yr degree to get hired by the regional airlines or it is only for the major airlines? If my highest education is high school, do I need to bring my transcript from high school when I go for an airline interview. Or as long as l have my high school diploma with me, then I am good? Thanks!


You do not need a four year degree to be hired by the regionals, but you will need one for the majors.

Most employers require one to bring a transcript, not the diploma. A diploma is actually a bit meaningless, where as a transcript shows a lot more information. Your potential employer will tell you what they would like you to bring to an interview.

I would strongly recommend not trying to train part time whilst being enrolled in college. I did this myself, it took forever and I wasn’t able to dedicate the time necessary to flying or my studies. There is a reason that the airlines, military and ATP train pilots at least five days per week. Immersion flying is the best, most cost effective way to train. I say finish your degree, then go to flight school.


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Thank you sir very much for the quick response! I will definitely take your advice into my account. Fly safe!

What college course should I take in college to be a pilot? Should I finish a 4year degree and proceed to a flight school?


I suggest you take a few minutes in our FAQ section:


What GPA in high school do you have to have in order to get into flight school ?


I don’t know any flight schools that have a GPA requirement. If you’re talking aviation universities or university programs you’d have to check with the specific schools themselves.

Also I recommend you visit our FAQ section. There’s alot of good info on the process of becoming a professional pilot.



To my knowledge, ATP does not look at GPAs. The airlines might ask about your college GPA though. When I interviewed, Continental required a 3.0 or better.


thanks , because i was so afraid! I have been searching about this and it said that you must have a 3.7 or better. If you have an IEP could you still become a pilot ?


There’s nothing preventing anyone with an IEP from becoming a pilot. Flight schools won’t ask nor will the airlines. The issue will be I’m not aware of any flight school that will provide the assistance you may need. Further nor with the airlines. It’s definitely going to require alot of hard work.



The IEP itself will not be an issue, but there are no IEPs in the workforce and the FAA certainly does not provide any, so you will have to perform like anybody else.


Hello! Im 9th grade right now, I have question that is going air force academy good for become an airline pilot? Can i earn flight hour while in air force academy? thank you!


The AirForce Academy is a fine educational institution and would be as good as any for earning a degree. That said I don’t believe they do flight training there you’d have to visit their website or call the school directly.



The Air Force Academy only accepts the absolute best candidates and usually those also happen to be very well connected.

As an aside, I would suggest that you work on your capitalization, grammar and punctuation. These things matter when applying to colleges and corporations.


hey chris, what do you mean about get hired on an airline? i thought that we have to havr 1500 hours of flying to become eligible to be working for an airlines. please answer thank you.


I am not sure I understand your question. Can you please clarify?


Hi,Chris i’m 17 years old and i’m at my last high school year, I am very interested in becoming an airline pilot. What do you recommend me to do after graduating high school? I was thinking to join the military but i changed my mind. what do u say?


You should be looking at going to college to complete your education as you’ll need a degree to be successful at the airlines.

Please visit our FAQ section as we describe the process in detail.


Does it have to be a college related with aviation or it doesn’t matter? like what courses to take? Do I need a bachelors degree?