Just curious

Good day! Quick question for @Adam and @Chris. Why are there so many First Officers (and a few Captains) that want to stop flying “Heavies” and go back to flying 737’s, a320’s, 757’s, etc? Just curious. P.S., thanks for all of the info and support that you guys provide, it REALLY helps!!! Thanks for all that you do! Cheers!!!

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Because LaMorris while EVERYBODY wants to fly the biggest plane in the fleet after a very short while you realize a plane is a plane is a plane and there are more important things in life. I’ve been flying the A330 (largest plane Hawaiian flies) but I was awarded and am looking forward to returning to the 717. Why? Because on the 717 I only work half the day, the longest flight is 36min and I’m home every night. The larger planes do usually pay more but again there are more important things in life to some of us.




Because it isn’t about the size of the airplane, for many of us it is about the quality of life. I personally just enjoy flying to US cities more than the international ones. Don’t get me wrong, I was glad to see the world, but when I land I like my cell phone to work, my money to be good and all of the other little things that make the US home. I am sure that at some point I will go back to international flying, but for now I am happy where I am at.



@Adam and @Chris, I TOTALLY understand where both of you are coming from. Quality of life is very important (especially with a wife and kids). Thanks for the response.


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