Mesa Airline?

Hi folks!

I’ve had my eyes set on working for Mesa and I have a variety of questions!

First, I’d really like to take advantage of Mesa’s Pilot Development program and am curious if anyone here has any experience with it. I know it’s pretty new so it may be a long shot, but I’m curious how it works and what my odds would be of getting accepted into it coming from ATP. Would I have significantly better odds if I came from United’s Training program instead?

All in all I’m really keen on living in Phoenix, I did it briefly before and loved it. If I worked for Mesa would I have a high chance of being based there? I know it’s their HQ but I imagine it’s a highly-sought base.

Which also leads me to United, is it a good major airline to work for? Do they treat pilots well? How easy is it to utilize their flight benefits?

My father and myself have worked for AA and Piedmont for a long time now, and even though my position wouldn’t afford me any seniority I’d imagine I’d have a leg-up as far as getting hired as a pilot for them. I’m still working to decide if it’s worth it to pass on AA and to move on to United so I’d like to hear some insight!


Since ATP is a partner school for Mesa and United’s Aviate program, there is no better or faster route to Mesa. That said in reality, as long as the pilot shortage continues, you do well in training and have no blemishes, you’ll be able to go to the Regional of your choice.

As for whether United is a “good” airline to work, that’s really a subjective thing as you’ll find people that love it there, hate it there and everything in between. It really comes down to which airline works best for you and different people have different priorities. Base, destinations, equipment are all considerations but only you know which are more important to you.

As for travel benefits, as a current employee you should know your benefits are only as good and easy to use as your seniority is.

Finally what’s most important is your training. All of the above is academic if you can’t fly. Mesa may be your goal today but things can and do change and by the time you’re ready you may feel differently.



Welcome to the forum.

ATP’s program is by far the fastest and most efficient path to any airline. With the airline industry like it is now, you should not have a hard time getting hired by Mesa, provided that you meet their criteria, do not have a criminal record and do well in training.

United is a great place to work, but do be advised that UAL does not have a base in PHX.
