Hey guys! I am currently flying Blackhawks (Commercial Instrument Rotary Wing with a little over 1000hrs) for the Army. I am considering going through ATP’s full flight program to earn my fixed wing ratings and get the 250hrs fixed wing that I need to qualify for a RATP. Do you guys know any rotary guys that went through the full ATP program to earn their conversion? Have you met or flown with any former rotary wing guys that now fly for the regionals or majors? If so, do they seem to struggle or do well? I feel like I would benefit from the full immersion and structure of an ATP program, but would like to hear if you guys have known any guys to go this route. Thanks in advance!
I don’t know any rotary pilots who have gone through ATPs program (though I’m certain there are) but I do fly for Hawaiian and we have a TON of former rotary guys flying here and all do well. In fact my sim partner when I got hired was a former Blackhawk guy. His only issue was (since having no airline experience) when we would have an emergency in the sim he would get VERY descriptive and specific when making PAs to the passengers. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Capt, we’ve suffered a loss of the left hydraulic system, this has cause the failure of the left thrust reverser, spoiler panels 3,5 & 8 and we will require an additional 15% landing distance…”. Me and our instructor would laugh so hard we’d cry (I still tease him to this day ). You are absolutely right, there is no better (or faster) way to get your ratings or do your training. It sounds like you have a solid plan.
Lol, he sounds like a riot. Though I may be somewhat similar based on the way the Army wants us to spew word vomit in regards to emergencies. I was actually stationed on Oahu for 3 years and just recently moved to Alaska to finish my time in the Army. I would love to return to the island and the chance of flying for Hawaiian Airlines is one of my top choices. I realize I’d need to gain more total time and turbine fixed wing to be competitive but do you know if Hawaiian considers Rotary Wing time towards your total time when it comes to minimums? I also still own a home in Hawaii if that would help in establishing ties to the island, culture and airline.
I had heard about the transition that Envoy is offering and it sounds like a great deal. Just a little worried about tying myself to one regional with how volatile the industry is at that level. Thank you for bringing it up though and alerting me to my options.
Honestly if you’re a military guy with a Hawaiian address you’re a shoe in for a pilot position at Hawaiian. I’m not 100% on how Hawaiian views rotary wing time (but I will ask, it’s still early here). What I do know is the majority of the guys switched to fix wing their last year or so to meet the mins (many to the Metro) and were able to get hired by Hawaiian straight from service and bypass the whole Regional route. Not sure how much more time you have but might be something to consider?
I too flew Blackhawks in the Army. I start my RTP/ATP Jun 5 with PSA and Air Warriors. I don’t know anyone yet to have complete the program as of yet. There are several companies with the same program with slight few difference. I will keep you posted or When I get started I will keep you posted.
Would you mind emailing me the info that PSA and Skywarriors quoted you? I’d love to hear how the process goes for you since you and I speak the same language and come from the same background. I just pinned W3 so I have another two years, well 1 3/4 years left with terminal leave.
I am still deployed and waiting on my UQR approval. With the mass exodus, its not looking likely for me. From what I’ve heard, Envoy (through Coast) is backed up to Q3 of 2018. PSA (through Sky Warrior) is looking quicker but has a few weeks/month backlog due to weather, DPE availability, and maintenance. I’ve also heard that Piedmont (through some schools in the mid atlantic area with one called Infinity?) is pretty streamlined and is offering to pay for housing as well.
I will agree with you on UQR approvals. Plus the Army just posted the new bonuses. MILPER message 17-313. Depending on if your tracked and years remaining, the bonus look very good.
Aloha, Adam. Did you ever get an answer for how HA views military RW time? You have one very interested neighbor here in KBay that would like to know! Thanks.
I apologize. I actually did and meant to post it but I’ve been somewhat distracted with my upgrade training. Anyway Hawaiian will in fact count your RW time BUT they will not accept an R-ATP and you would need a full unrestricted ATP to be considered. Not sure if that helps?