New Student

Hello, My name is Chris, I’m currently 29 yrs old. I have been looking into my future into career pilot. I currently work in health care, as a Radiology Technologist aid. I am looking into attending ATP Fast Track in Arizona. For me though money is the issue. But, no worries I will get in either out of pocket or cosigner. Currently working with Sally Mae for financing. I’m a very professional individual however, I took a turn in my life after the military and decided to get my ears gauged, I do have tattoos (all coverable). and now after reading into what I need to achieve to become a pilot. I don’t my ears hindering my decision. I will remove if have to I’m fully committed to start this career path. Any suggestions? I take criticism very well so be blunt, Thank You!


You will absolutely have to remove them. The airlines have very strict physical appearance standards. Men are not allowed to have earrings of any kind. If your earlobes are also very outstretched your may have to get them surgically closed up. I think it’s best to reach out to an airline recruiter and ask specifically because gauges aren’t something that will be specifically addressed in most Pilot policy manuals.

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I am with Hannah on this, you will need to take those discs out of your ears and you will probably need to get your ears surgically repaired. As for your tattoos, you will need to have them covered 100% of the time, even on hot days in Houston when everybody else is wearing short sleeves on the ramp.

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You want blunt? You say “I’m a very professional person” and I respect your military service but getting gauges is right up there with getting a face tattoo. While there is nothing inherently wrong with it and it’s your body, it does show a severe lack of foresight. Now some might read this and disagree, but here we are talking about you requiring surgery based on your decision impacting your potential future career choice. I believe that would qualify it as a bad decision.

That aside you don’t mention any flight experience. If you don’t have any in a small training aircraft I strongly recommend you take an intro flight first before you do anything else. Many believe they want to fly but until you do you really won’t know for certain. Chances at you’ll like it but you may not and then you can at least keep your gauges.


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Hannah, Chris, thank you for the reply. I’m ok with pulling them out. I never had giant plugs they are small enough to were it should close on there own there 12mm. And my tattoos doesn’t go past my wrist and ya long sleeves is going to be a pain especially on the heat thank you guys.
Adam, so on flight experience I have only flown in the cockpit once I grew up with a neighbor that had a personal single engine two seater. So I have had interest in that aspect. I just don’t have a lot of time behind the controls.
Yes, most will agree that gauging is or could be considered the same as face tattoo. I understand that.

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