Online college

Anyone get a Bachelor degree online while working for a regional airline? If so what was you experience and what online college did you go with? Roughly how expensive was it? How long did it take?


I’m sure others can chime in with specifics but I’ve known many RJ pilots who have. Most chose schools with aviation programs (Embry Riddle, Utah Valley, etc) because they will give you credit for your licenses and ratings reducing the time and expense.



While I do not know specifics, I have known many pilots to get their degrees online whilst working for the regionals. It takes hard work, but it is a well worn path to getting a degree.



So is an online degree accepted by majors?
I’m just trying to avoid collage campus if I can

As long as it’s from a reputable legitimate university it’s fine.


Embry would be an option then, correct?

Correct. Provided you mean EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University and not Joey “Bagadonuts” Embry’s College of Basket Weaving and Bail Bonds. :wink:



:rofl: yea!!! Lol

What regionals in the USA don’t require a degree? I’m thinking that’s the route I’ll take if I can, get flying with the regionals then work on an online bachelors degree from embry riddle and 5 years later hopefully the majors will give me a job


No Regionals in the US currently require a degree.


Isn’t that located in Ten Buck Two?

DUDE that is classic!!! I love it.