I tried looking through the forums but couldn’t get a handle on a specific answer. Recently I talked with financing at ATP and asked about my stipend and housing (married with two kids). They explained I’ll pay the $995 out of pocket and when they receive the first disbursement any and all overages, (which I would assume is my stipends, housing, starting supplies) would be then sent back to me including the $995.
Question is, does anyone know how long that will take for the “overage” to payout back to me? Only wondering for, you know, bills and living expenses sake. I’ll be leaving AD Air Force and want to make sure I line up as closely my last paycheck from the Gov, to when this “new money” will come in.
Also might be a simple phone call question over to Finance but if it is a simple answer, don’t want to bug them!
Yep just a quick call over to the finance department and they should have an answer for you. Kirk is a great resource. It’s been a while since all of us mentors went through the program and that’s a very specific question. We just want to make sure you get the most accurate info.
The additional funds that you include (examiner + knowledge test fees, training materials, and housing/living expenses) will be dispersed on the BankMobile Vibe Debit Card that we send out in your training bundle. This card functions as a standard debit card. If you’d rather have the funds distributed into your checking account (as a direct deposit), that is an option as well.
Examiner and knowledge test fees will be available to you on that card (or in your checking account) 5-7 days before a checkride. DPE’s require the fees to be in cash, so that should allow time for you to visit an ATM and take those funds out.
Housing and Living expenses (up to $2,000/mo) are distributed to you monthly for you to pay your bills.
Training material funds are typically available 4-5 days after you start training. We recommend that you purchase these materials upfront and use the loan as reimbursement to yourself.
The $995 that you pay is ‘reimbursed’ back to you on the same card that you paid with when scheduling from the loan on your first day of training.
You can always contact the finance department (904-595-7946) and they can go over exact dates with you based on your class date.