Overseas base

Back again with another question
How likely is it for someone to work for a major airline but be based overseas, specifically Germany, is that even a realistic goal
All insights are greatly appreciated

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To be based anywhere the airline needs to have a base there and the majority of US airlines (save a few cargo carries) don’t have any overseas bases.

Now if you’d like to live in Germany and commute that’s entirely up to you and is doable. Just remember commuting is a choice and it’s YOUR responsibility to get to work on time and well rested.


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I’ve watch a YouTube video from Swanye Martin about the topic. He basically said you can live overseas, but commuting to work will cut into your own free-time when you’re off of work. And like Adam said, it’s your responsibility to get to work to on time along with being well rested.



I believe FedEx has a base in Germany, but I have heard rumors that it might close soon. If your plan is to work for a US airline and I’ve in Europe, I would plan on commuting to a US base. I know a pilot that did this, he saw his family about once per month, his wife got a German boyfriend and he got divorced. It is not a good plan.


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If you’d like to be an airline pilot and live in Germany, I’d recommend doing flight training, citizenship and getting hired by a German carrier. Lufthansa has a great pilot training academy.

Theoretically you could fly for a US carrier and live in Germany but I don’t think it’s realistic for a fulfilling career. The commute time, cost, and stress to your life will make it incredibly difficult on the long term.
