Prior Service

I’m Joe , I have a buddy that recently became a commercial pilot and this was actually my father’s dream was to become a pilot. I served in the US Army Infantry at Fort Drum NY 10th MTN DIV, have had several jobs since I finished my contract, but have always wanted to become a pilot. Right now I left a regular job as a general contractor and moved up to Minnesota to work roofing for a while while simultaneously working in the National Guard and attempting to go to college for Industrial Engineering. I’m 22 years old, and was wondering how schooling and becoming a pilot would affect the family life considering I will be getting engaged this coming year? Thank you in advance for all who take the time to read and respond :slight_smile: hooah!


Schooling and being a pilot of course has a significant impact on family life. Pilots spend alot of time on the road, take a look at our schedules to see exactly what we do. That being said, we also do have a significant amount of time home, free from any assignments, so it balances out in some ways. I have missed many holidays, birthdays, etc, but I have also been home for many things that somebody with a regular job might not be.



If you want to train fulltime (and you should) and you want to get to the airlines ASAP (which you also should) that should be your primary focus the next few years.

As Chris said in the future once you get established you’ll have plenty of free time but now is the time to buckle down and start working on your goals.


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Crystal clear Chris thank you! I wanted to make sure so I know what I’m getting into and I figured it would be that way, I just don’t want to get in and then feel disappointed or surprised because I didn’t ask but now knowing that, I can get ready for what’s coming.