Private pilots license in PNW

Hey guys! So I am getting ready to begin my training and start working on my private pilots license so I can eventually get into ATP.

I currently live in Seattle Washington and as I’m sure you know the winters aren’t ideal for a beginner trying to learn the ropes. Now that we are in September i’m wondering if I should start my training now with the risk of not being able to get up in the air as often as I would like to accelerate my training or if I should wait until after the winter months and I’ll be able to get up in the air more often as a brand new pilot. Curious what you guys think about my situation…


It sounds like you are starting your training with another flight school, which is fine, but I would be sure to get their opinion on this.

That being said, I would not really let the weather bother me. I would just start, you will probably be able to get in more flying than you think.



If you can fly consistently (3-4 times a week) then there’s no reason not to start. If however you’re planning on 1 or 2 times at best you’re really going to wasting time and money, particularly when winter comes.


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Having lived in Seattle for the last 2.5 years, I would wait. June - September is prime time.
