Student Schedule

What’s the typical schedule like for a student while at ATP? Are you free on the weekends? I realize some days are spent on the ground, some are spent flying or in a sim, just wondering what I can expect. Thanks guys!

My typical schedule was I’d show up and study for a few hours at the training facility M-F either before or or after my flight. Typically those study sessions would turn into group study sessions so I’d end up spending a lot of time on site. As for weekends, from what I’ve seen most instructors like atleast one day off a week. As for me personally, I have a girlfriend about an hour from me at college so I’d go up most weekends to just study around her etc. That being said, I have done the occasional weekend flight, if for some reason I was going to be around or if I had a checkride coming up and hours to use or wanted to work on things with my instructor.

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There are a number of threads on this subject but the answer is D) all the above. They’ll be ground days, sim days, flying days and every combination of the 3 depending on any number of factors.
