Will not having a college degree hinder me in getting into the legacy carriers? I was looking for a more updated answer. I start at ATP September 19 in Glendale Arizona.
Until pilots are replaced by robots, my answer will always be yes. The legacies are considered to be the highest sought after jobs in the industry. Degrees at those airlines are still preferred.
This question gets asked daily and the answer is always yes. While the Major airlines don’t require a degree they ALL desire one. It’s listed in their “preferred” or “competitive” minimums. That’s the reason it’s on every Major airline application. Check yes and you go in the preferred pile, no and you don’t. What that means is they need to get through the preferred pile before they get to you while new preferred apps continue to get put in front of yours.
This has not changed and most likely won’t anytime soon.
Until the airlines run out of qualified candidates with a degree, those without one will still be waiting. Seniority is everything. It sure would be a shame to get all your ratings, get to a regional, be qualified in terms of flight experience and then not get called until the very end of the hiring wave simply because you didn’t have a degree while others did.
If the legacies are your dream, I’d pursue completing your degree online while at the regionals. If you are against getting your degree, you can have a fine career at a LCC like Frontier, JetBlue, Allegiant, Sun Country, etc. where a degree isn’t as much of a hindering factor.
Yes and no. AA has instituted a flow program where pilots for the regionals can flow to American without a degree. The journey is still out on what exactly United is doing with their degree requirement, but for now it still looks like one is highly preferred and I do not see that changing. The others do not specifically require degrees, but the reality is that they do if you want to be competitive.
I would plan on working on a degree while at the regionals if I were you.
I have heard of a couple of guys that have made it to United without a degree but I wasn’t sure if that was because of hours or they just got lucky. What is your opinion on American Airlines?
EVERYBODY knows a guy who knows a guy who… I actually know a guy who won the lottery. I play but it’s not my retirement plan. It’s there a chance you can get to a Major or flow to AA without it? Sure. But what happens if things slow down at AA and all your friends are getting hired at Delta? Having a degree makes you more competitive and gives you options. Without you’re putting all your eggs in one basket and doing a whole lot of hoping.
Ah, this was my fortune in my fortune cookie from last night. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” I won’t tell the lucky numbers, I may try them on the upcoming lottery…I’ll let you know if I win.
Let me know? I want my cut!?!