What kind of airspace class is best for flight training?

April is like the perfect time to start! I would have been done in exactly 10 months had I not had a medical issue, so definitely doable! However it seems like the norm here is about 10-12

Phx planes don’t have a/c. I saw maybe one pass through here for mx but it didn’t stay. And I never had much trouble with ground time on my flights. IWA is an awesome location. I suggest private anytime that isn’t summer. The heat doesn’t bode well for pattern work or maneuvers but it’s doable if you have to. Just not ideal.

Haha thanks for the input! I think that’ll be too much for me lol

Ahh ok. Another question, when I called ATP, I think there is no ground school at ATP from my understanding. Then I’m assuming KPAE doesn’t have ground school either?
If I don’t have any scheduled flight times, or have canceled flights because of bad weather then can I stay at home?


They are correct to some extent. Of course most instructors do ground lessons but it’s not like school in the traditional sense where you come in for a few hours and just sit there listening to a lecture. A lot of it is self study. Now if I a flight got cancelled my instructor always still wanted me to come in, Atleast during private phase because we used the time for a lesson or for me to ask questions or him to quiz me etc


Sure if there’s nothing “formal” going on or something cancels sure you can go home for the rest of the day. That said I wouldn’t plan on playing a round of golf or binge watching The Walking Dead. There’s ALWAYS something to study.



ATP has put quite a bit of effort and time into delivering high quality virtual remote live ground schools for every stage of training. When you sign into the student Extranet, all of this class and study session information is listed for you there.

I just looked at the offerings that are available for various phases of training. There is something available almost everyday this week, with some pretty interesting offerings for today and tomorrow. All of these lessons are led by a qualified instructor. In one of tomorrow’s sessions you can “Ask a DPE”, which I think is a really cool opportunity.


I would strongly recommend taking a very serious look at these offerings.


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