What should I do to get started on my own?

Because I have no experience and 0 knowledge about aviation I was wondering if there are any books out there that I can read so it can give me that start to becoming a pilot. I’ve looked online and I see people recommend “pilot’s handbook of aeronautical knowledge.” Is that a good start or are there any other books out there that are better?


There’s tons of good reading online and I too recommend the PHAK. It’s part of the FAAs library and it’s available online for free (see the link below, I also like the Airplane Flying Handbook). https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/

That said there’s only so much you can get from a book. Again I’m going to recommend you take a flight.


For sure thanks! I know it wont do too much but I’m just so eager to get started and learn. And yes, I’m soon going to take a discovery flight. I mean I think that’s what you mean though when you say you recommend a flight.

That’s exactly what I mean and here’s my warning/advice regarding the flight. It’s called a Discovery or Intro flight for a reason. It’s not a test nor are you expected to know anything. It’s simply to introduce you to the world of general aviation which is very different (as you’ll see) from flying in the back of a Boeing. Go up relax and enjoy. No pressure. Too many people come on this forum afterwards saying “OMG! I just had my intro flight and I didn’t understand EVERYTHING that was going on and I didn’t fly like Tom Cruise in Top Gun! Is my career over?!?!”.

Pilots are not born, they’re made and these are not innate skills. They must be learned. Make sense?


Makes complete sense. I appreciate your time and advice. I’m not going to lie, I was a bit nervous. But you helped me accomplish that insecurity of not knowing or learning anything afterwards. Thank you for your professionalism.

I am a fan of this book: https://www.amazon.com/Jeppesen-Private-Pilot-Textbook-10001360-006/dp/0884876608/ref=asc_df_0884876608/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312562231174&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2041435543607314670&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9008525&hvtargid=pla-571234789869&psc=1

Check eBay for lower prices, but don’t get one that is more than a few years old.



Don’t forget you can also take the written tests before flight training. Not too early as the results are valid for only 24 calendar months, but I highly recommend doing it. I wish I had. Like you, I was more interested in buying textbooks. To be honest, I read the first 2 chapters of a book I bought and gave up because I didn’t have any context. I should have just taken the written tests since that’s all just memorization. The correlative knowledge is obtained during flight school.



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I’m a bit confused since I’m still new to everything. What written tests? I can take them right now even if I don’t know anything about aviation?


The answer is yes. See Tory’s link above. The written tests are basically rote knowledge and don’t actually follow any syllabus. This is a great way to get ahead.
