Admission flight scheduled!

Thanks to everyone here for the help, I finally got my admission flight scheduled next Saturday in Mesa, AZ. I will visit there to look around ATP school and town and also look at apartment that our family will live during training. Full time worker with two kids and huge mortgage, it wasn’t easy choice to make, but after working in my field for five years I realized it’s not for me.

Pilot was my old dream, but eye sight was holding me back when I was young (In my country, you cannot wear glasses to become a pilot decade ago), but just realized it isn’t like that in US so pursuing for my old dream.

I got my first medical cleared, loan process is done, and just need to finish up my PPL. Hopefully next time I will come back with start date.

Thanks for help guys!


Sounds good David. Just remember you need your PPL and at just 78hrs of flight time if you want credit for your PPL.



Thanks for advice. I had to take few months between so already have over 80hrs.



Good luck with the admissions flight. Try not to overthink it, it is just a flight to see how open you are to learning. Let us know how it goes and what you think of the location.
