Admission Process

Hi Respected Sir/Madam

Hi, I’m a high school student and I have a question that’s really bothering me, and the question is that when should I apply for a flight school for zero experience - is it after college after 4 years with a bachelor degree or before college - I looked up on various different websites about this question, but couldn’t get a proper answer. It would be really appreciated if you could help me out with this question.

Thank You
Regards Sai


We always recommend people finish their educations (get their degrees) before they begin flight training.


Im still gathering information on this career, and once again thanks for answering my question, and my last question is whats that degree called in colleges.

Thank You


The pivotal matter is to obtain a degree first , doesn’t matter in which major.


There is a difference Grace. If you obtain a college degree in aviation, aeronautical science etc from a university or college approved by the FAA for the restricted ATP then all you need is 1000 hours instead of 1500, all other degrees you still need the 1500 hours. Though getting a degree in other majors might be a better option as a backup.


Simply getting an aviation degree will not lower the hourly requirement UNLESS your flight training is done as part of that degree program. You have to read the fine print.



But from what I know is A diploma in aviation will not lower the required hours u have to be trained for , 1500hours is 1500hrs no matter what’s the major u decide to study .


Grace, Adam said it better than me, thank you Adam. Yes you get the restricted ATP at 1000 with an FAA approved major, bachelor degree ,but as Adam pointed the flight training must be done as part of that degree program.


Thank u , never knew that