Alpha Eta Rho

I am thinking about joining Alpha Eta Rho, but I don’t know if I have the time to do all of the pledge activities. Is it worth it to join if I want to be a cargo pilot?

Any input is helpful.


I had to Google AER because honestly I had no clue what you were talking about. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing but as someone who’s been an airline pilot for over 15yrs at both the Regional and Major levels I don’t believe it’s something you need to do.


I know I don’t NEED to do it, I’m asking is it worth doing.


Worth as far as what? When I said you don’t “need” it I wasn’t implying your life would end, I was simply addressing your statement “is it worth joining if I want to be a cargo pilot?”. Again I’ve been doing this a while, I know many cargo pilots none of whom are members of this organization, hence, if that’s your goal then no you don’t “need” it. Now if there are some other benefits you’re seeking or simply being part of this group will make you feel good (like the scouts) then perhaps it’s worth it to you?



I have never heard of this organization. I do not think it will do much to accomplish your career goals.



I don’t think it’s going to help you become a cargo pilot directly, but if you’re in college and your college has an AHP chapter then yeah I would join. Joining an organization while in college is almost always a good idea. Not only will it give you something to put on your resume it’s also good for professional development.

You say you’re not sure if you’ll have the time to do all of the pledge activities so keep in mind that this is something that will yield better results the more you put into it.


You didn’t ask my opinion, but I’m old and have a little experience with interviewing people for jobs and evaluating resumes. There are all sorts of civic organizations, fraternities, and volunteer opportunities out there. Each profession will tend to have a few that are more “worthy” than others; but two things are far more important over all other factors…participate fully in the organization & demonstrate dedication to the values of the organization.

Joining any organization with an aim to earning points on a resume is a generally a waste of your time - and the organization’s time. It comes off as shallow and self-serving.



As the rest have said I think your time will be better spent preparing for the program and getting settled.

If later on you want to join something I would suggest AOPA (GA and aviation lobby) or NAFI/SAFE (CFI profession organizations).

All 3 come with benefits more than a civil fraternity such as discounts, learning events, assistance with insurance (rental or independent CFI), Reg update notifications, etc

I am a current member of Alpha eta Rho at the University of North Dakota. It will not make you a cargo pilot but it is a very awesome organization to be apart of when in school. We do a lot of resume building and airline prep plus we go on trips and tours like touring the Control Tower at KMSP and we also went to see the Cirrus Aircraft Facility. Overall I do strongly support AHP and has very been beneficial to me. Plus you get to meet a lot of people who are also devoted to flying and becoming a pilot