Should I join the Civil Air Patrol?

Hi all, I’m currently a sophomore in High School and I am wondering if I should join the Civil Air Patrol. Somebody online recommended it saying it would look good on my recruiting resume, but I wanted to also get some opinions from some of you guys. So what do you think? If I shouldn’t join it, is there anything I should join?

Thank you for your time

  • Dillon

I think I should add I don’t entirely know what the civil air does, and that I might go into the US Air Force reserves.


The CAP is basically the Boy Scouts with airplanes! Seriously it’s a great organization and it’s a great opportunity for someone who’s interested in aviation, the AirForce or both. Lots of fun events, opportunities to fly for free AND yes it would look great on your resume!

I suggest you find your local chapter, attend a few meetings and see if you like.


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I would suggest attending a few meetings. If you like it, join. If you do not, then don’t. Being a member will not do anything to further an airline career. I have no idea how it relates to an Air Force career, but I would doubt there is much of any correlation between the two.



If you do serve in the CAP and go into the AF (and attend college first), you’ll automatically enter at a higher rank and paygrade which is nice.

As for your flying career, I respectfully disagree with Chris (he’s just cranky) and stand by my answer that it’s a good resume builder. Why? Because if nothing else it substantiates you when your say “Ive been interested in aviation and have wanted to fly for many years” vs the droves of newbies who couldn’t decide on a career, saw an ad or story on TV about how they could be a pilot and make big money so they dove in for lack of other option just to get hired and bother me!


Adam brings up a good point here, I will give him this one.

And yes, I am cranky because all I could find was a Diet Pepsi this morning and nobody would be subjected to that poison.


And if that’s enough to ruin your day I stand by my statement you’re just a cranky guy :wink:

Btw, Diet Pepsi is delicious and refreshing!


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I can’t speak much for what all the CAP does except that it is an auxiliary for the Air Force. I believe they sometimes assist with things like natural disasters or other emergency situations. If you are planning on joining the Air Force, I will say, don’t do it just to get flight time as it is a very big commitment and should only be entered if you WANT to serve. Further, it can be difficult to balance your duties and responsibilities with the time needed to effectively train. There are some great benefits but with the current climate, I would just make sure you’re keenly aware that deployments during your contract are pretty likely. I’ve been active duty in the Air Force for almost 20 years and am retiring this year, starting ATP in July. I wish you the best whichever route you choose, feel free to ask any questions about the Air Force and I’ll be happy to answer them!
Take care

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Anything you get involved in and are passionate about can help you in your future. It’s not just about having it on your resume, but the experiences you have, the lessons you learn, the people you meet etc. If you attend a meeting and love it, great! If not, don’t worry. It won’t negatively impact you if you don’t.


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Best commercial ever:

AND it’s delicious and refreshing!


Sure, if you do not love America.

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“Sure, if you do not love America”.

I’m beginning to think this pilot/mushroom thing is a real problem!


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Gentlemen, we can all agree to disagree, choosing any Pepsi over a Classic Coke does not necessarily mean you are a bad person. You may be lacking taste buds but you can still be an American. Yes, Pepsi has had the better commercials especially in the 70-80-90’s, but that is because they had to make up for the lack of taste. You do not order a Rum/Pepsi or Jack/Pepsi. The bartender would kick you out. And let’s not forget the warm fuzzies of the Norman Rockwellish Coke Holiday commercials. Enough said - :hugs: - Ed



While there’s no question Coke is more popular, as with many things that’s more a factor of marketing and and early foothold. Kinda like Cessna being a somewhat generic term for small single engine aircraft.

That said I do agree Coke is superior in taste to Pepsi, the problem comes when we talk diet and in this area Diet Coke falls flat (hence why they’re pushing their Coke Zero so hard). Diet Pepsi is simply a better product. You know, just like Cherokees, Warriors and Archers (while less popular) are more better than 152s, 172s and 182s :wink:


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Thank you for bringing some clarity to this, although I would argue that drinking any Pepsi product does in fact make one a bad person.

It is important to remember here that we are dealing with somebody that thinks wearing an E6B on his wrist is an appropriate thing to do in the flight deck, or even worse, on an overnight. We should remember to cut him some slack here, maybe the Pepsi has further affected his decision making abilities.



That and the fact that Pepsi tastes like antifreeze…

…what about 177s?

Your comparison fell apart with the use of “more better” :smirk:


Listen, there’s no need to argue. Clearly I’m surrounded by sheep who march to the beat of the admen. Very sad…


I love how this went to me asking if I should join the Civil Air Patrol, to you guys debating what’s the best soda :rofl: