ATP admission

Hi I have been trying to get a hold on to ATP for my admission but it seems like no one is there to answer my phone calls. All I wanted to ask is what documents do I need to bring in for my admission and also to mention I have flew few hrs from Delta Qualiflight and completed my first solo and few X country in my log book.

1-904-595-7950. The phones are manned from 8am-9pm East Coast time. Are you calling during those hours?



Admission Flight? Or admission admission? If it’s just the flight then just bring yourself. If it’s your actual admission into the program then you’ll need to bring your ID, Passport, Medical, Logbook, Flight bag, iPad and pilot certificate, if any.



I’d like to add to this, bring your current logbook because your instructor may give you some time for the ‘dual’ portion of your ATP admission flight! I was recommended this when I scheduled my ATP Admission Flight in TTN and got an hour :smiley:


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Thank you so much I did visit the ATP at Arlington Texas and got more information today. Thanks for all the suggestions :+1:

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