Behind the Scenes of a “Journey to a Legacy”

In preparation for ATP’s 40th Anniversary Celebration in Dallas this fall, a few alumni got the chance to share their “Journey to a Legacy”.

Here’s a sneak peek of mine representing United Airlines.


This is the first time I’ve been back to the ATP Charlotte Concord Location (JQF) since I completed 1500 hours and wow was is a cool full circle moment! I had the best time talking to current students and instructors there!

Now out to the ramp in Charlotte, my hometown!


This is awesome!!!

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Awesome Hannah! I can’t wait to see this production, super awesome opportunity.


When is our next alumni event?

Oct 3rd in Dallas. I just texted you a RSVP link. Hope to see you there!



I’ll be there as well! Looking forward to catching up with everyone :slight_smile:


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Congratulations……lucky to be part of the ATP family. Can’t wait for what the future holds