Best online prep? what order should you take your writtens?

Absolutely, I asked my PPL examiner about that and he said that not only is he looking for what your score was to judge how in depth he needed to probe, but also which specific test codes you got to narrow his focus on the areas you did the poorest, basically the lower your score the more questions he would add to his normal list that he asks at every checkride. He also mentioned that he usually adds questions for people who got 100% on the written as well, because those people often used prepware which just requires memorization of the test bank


So maybe get a couple wrong on purpose? :slight_smile:



And if you do, “miss” a couple on a subject you actually know quite well! :wink:

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Reviving a dead topic here, but figured it would be better than asking the same question again.

I am trying to get my writtens done before I start in three weeks, and am consistently getting 85% or better. Should I be shooting for more like 95% before I take the test to make the checkrides as smooth as possible? Or should I just get them done so that they’ll be out of the way before I start?


Asked and answered on your other post. Sorry we didn’t it answered in less than 30 mins and you felt the need to ask again. My bad.


Sorry to bother you

Not bothered at all. Just curious if you were going to keep asking every 15minutes until you got an answer?
Particularly when you state “figured it would be better than asking the same question again”.


No, I just didn’t realize that only the moderators could answer.

All are free to answer.

Oh and shouldn’t you be studying? :wink:



The fact that you’ve been studying for your writtens prior to your start date is already saving you time. Even if you don’t take any of them before you start, you are still ahead of the game. I didn’t start studying for my writtens until I started the program and I did fine. Looking back, I wish I would have known about the test prep software. Would have saved me a lot of late nights and last minute cramming.
