Envoy August 2024 Schedule - Roscoe

Hey :wave:

August was another great month and I took advantage of my vacation block to get some additional days off. With our current line bidding system, we have the option to DTS when we have a vacation block (I believe this stands for ‘drop touching sequence’). This allows us to drop any sequence that touches our vacation block; where the dropped flying outside of the vacation block is unpaid. Although we will lose this when our preferential bid system (PBS) eventually begins, it is a great way to extend a single 7 day vacation block into a significantly longer stretch off. Additionally, my trip at the end of the month conflicted with the 30 hour rest/7 day FAA requirement, so they removed me from the last day of my sequence as it conflicted with my first trip in September (this is pay protected).

In August I also passed 950 qualifying hours at Envoy, meaning I am now a ‘CA qualified FO’. While I have been working towards the upgrade, and feel that I am ready to continue learning as a captain, I have not placed a proffer/bid for a captain slot yet. With the current hiring market and the lack of flow to AA, the captain list is very stagnant and looking at my seniority, I would be right on the edge of being a line holder in DFW. So, it doesn’t really make sense to give up my FO seniority and schedule to potentially go back on reserve, especially when I am already being paid at the CA rate. So for the time being, I will patiently wait for my time to upgrade!

Here was my schedule for the month of August:

Block: 66:02
Credit: 72:00
Days Off: 15

Monthly Flight time: 31:21
Credited time: 66:33
Nights away from base: 5
Days off: 24

1 - OFF
2 - OFF
3 - OFF
4 - OFF
5 - OFF
6 - OFF
7 - OFF
8 - OFF
13 - OFF
14 - OFF (DTS)
15 - OFF (DTS)
16 - OFF (DTS)
17 - VAC
18 - VAC
19 - VAC
20 - VAC
21 - VAC
22 - VAC
23 - VAC
24 - OFF (DTS)
25 - OFF
26 - OFF
27 - OFF
30 - CHA-DFW (DH)
31 - OFF (Removed for 7 day conflict)



I was just about to ask when you were looking at upgrade, seems like any day now you will be sitting in class upgrading. Congrats on surpassing the 950-hour mark! I can understand waiting out the CA slot until the hiring resumes and the seniority starts moving again… better QOL where you’re at now if that’s what you like. However, I think TPIC will become very important again as hiring resumes so it could be a difference of TPIC versus TSIC.



Thank you! And yes, TPIC will soon be a requirement again, no doubt about it. The QOL is certainly better where I am at now, yet I feel like I’m ready for the next step. I’m just waiting for the right time to do it. I’m not even sure I would be awarded a CA slot unless I was willing to be awarded a base other than DFW. Although, it might not be my choice if they decide to do force upgrades! I’ll ask around and see what the best option is at the moment.
