FAA Writtens

Hello I just had a few questions. My class start date is 10/2 and I’ve been working on getting my writtens done before I start. I already took my PAR, IRA, FII and IGI. I have the CAX, FIA, FOI and AGI left. I’m studying for the CAX right now but is there a particular order I should be taking these tests? Also like the instrument writtens, are there any tests that share similar test banks that I can take both at the same time or is that just for the instrument writtens? Thank you.

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You are doing just fine with the order, as long as you took the IRA and FII together, there really isn’t any “wrong order” to complete them. We recommend this order:

The CAX is more of a PAR test bank with a helicopter question and “for hire” terminology/specific questions. The FIA branches off the PAR and CAX as it digs into the “why” and “how.”

By the way, congrats on getting ahead, it will serve you well and you will be thanking yourself during the first few weeks while others that didn’t use time wisely, are stressing about trying to get an exam done on schedule.


Hey Brady,

Thanks for the quick response. So I used sheppard for the IRA and was able to take the FII and IGI just with the IRA course. I got the CAX course on sheppard as well and I was wondering if I could take any other writtens along with the CAX. Or do you recommend getting the FIA, FOI, AGI courses separately and taking them independently


I would recommend studying separately for the FIA (you may be able to slip the AGI in here, I CANNOT confirm if they are the same test bank) and FOI.



Honestly the AGI/IGI exams are great to get done but totally not the priority when preparing for the program. I’d focus on the 7 primary written exams for now.
