Hi everyone, first time poster. I found this message board this morning and spent most of the day at work reading and lurking. Some amazing information on here, but not much that would apply to my case.
Ive been an aviation enthusiast since probably 12 years old when i first tried microsoft combat flight simulator. Instantly got hooked, and quickly realized that flying is what I want to do with my life. My parents got me a few flying lessons in high school, it was amazing, but they couldn’t afford to pay for it, and until I graduated college and got a good paying job, I couldn’t afford it either, so flying got shelved til sometime in 2017.
Not knowing the process (and in part my CFI or the flight school not mentioning it), I didn’t sign up for my medical till my CFI told me to come back with a class 3 and he’d send me up to solo. This was in my late 20s, and I have an imperfect driving record from the dumb shit I did in my early 20s.
Back in 2012, I got caught with a gram of weed and a bowl. Got charged with possession and paraphernalia which got dismissed in court after I did a weekend weed class. Then in 2013, I got busted again driving high. Got charged with an OVI, lost my license for 6 months, did a weekend DUI class and that got lowered down to reck opp 2.
When i filled out the online form for the medical and disclosed that I’ve been arrested in the last 10 years. Medically, I passed with flying colors, but because of my record, my AME deferred me to Oklahoma. Over the next 6 months, I rounded up arrest and court records (what a chore that was), did 3 of those 48hr notice drug tests (always the very next day), wrote multiple letters telling them that I don’t smoke weed anymore, haven’t since 2015, I’ve never had a drug addiction problem, never did any real drugs, just smoked weed, that I basically did the same dumb shit everyone in their early 20s does, and I got caught. After a ton of correspondence back and forth, they finally denied me for substance abuse.
Imaginably that was pretty devastating. Now with a denied medical, I couldn’t even get go the light sport route, let alone a PPL, and back then, a denied medical was a guaranteed auto DQ for the airlines. Without hope for airlines, I thought back then, that if I still want to fly and can afford a PPL when 10 years runs out, I’d go for it. But covid changed all that and gave me, and tons of other people with less than perfect records a glimpse of hope.
So my main question, is what is the possibility of getting a class 1 medical. My 10 years since my arrest runs out in may of this year, so when I fill out the online form, ill be able to check “no” in the “have you been arrested in the last 10 years”. Would my AME look up my previous denial and refer me to Oklahoma again just because of that? If I get deferred, will it be another 6 months nightmare that will once again result in a denial, even thought my record since then has been perfect? Would my previous record even get brought up this time around since it will be over 10 years ago? By 10 years, do they mean 10 years since handcuffs and back of the cop car, or 10 years since the end of resulting court proceedings?
I intend on scheduling a consultation with my AME before officially going for my medical. But in a hypothetical scenario, what if I go in for a consultation and tell him about my record, how he deferred me 5 years ago, and all that, and from being reminded about it, he would defer me again, whereas if he didn’t remember from 5 years ago, he would otherwise pass me. I’m not trying to lie or scheme him into not realizing I have a record from a while ago (afterall, this would only be applicable if he didn’t look me up), but to avoid something like “hey, you’re the guy that was just here talking about a medical after a weed charge, I remember you, I’m deferring you”
And assuming I do get a class 1, how bad would a 10+ year old weed record look for the airlines? Automatic DQ or still a chance? I’m hearing “if you have 1500 hours and a pulse, we want to talk to you”, so they sound desperate.
Since the 2013 driving stoned OVI, my record has been squeaky clean. Haven’t been pulled over since, not arrested since, not even a parking ticket since then. I don’t smoke weed anymore, stopped smoking early 2015 to be clean for my first job out of college and never restarted. I don’t do any drugs. Cutting back on smoking cigarettes intending to quit by spring. I enjoy a few cold ones with the buddies over a round of golf or while wrenching or watching a game, but I’m definitely not an alcoholic or have a drinking problem. Never lost a job or have gotten in trouble at work or home because of drinking so there’s no issue there. Just the stupid weed thing from 2012 and 2013
Sorry for the long post, but with Covid potentially giving me a second chance to follow my biggest dream, I wanted to set the stage right for you guys and to make sure I get all my ducks in a row this time around
Looking forward to hearing from you guys.
TLDR: holy hell thats a long post. Got busted for marijuana in 2012 and 2013. Got denied a medical in 2018 for substance abuse. Been squeaky clean since 2013. Any change I could get a class 1, now thats its been 10 years?